
An agent's duty is not only to protect their clients' homes and possessions but also to safeguard themselves and their agency from liability. Allowing buyers to enter clients' homes using unchecked contact details is irresponsible and no longer sufficient in today's world. It leaves both themselves and their clients unnecessarily exposed.

The Security Checked Verification Service is the solution designed to keep everyone safe. By insisting that attendees are security checked, we can instantly deter opportunistic thieves and burglars who may be looking to case homes for future invasion. Additionally, it ensures that the buyers to whom you grant access are genuine and sincere.

When a buyer enters a property, they present their QR code for scanning. Once scanned, their photograph will be displayed, and if it matches the person seeking access, you can grant them entry.

An email is automatically sent to every buyer, welcoming them to the property and providing them with your agent and agency details. Their contact details are also added to your personal register, giving you access to their name, phone number, email address, and photo, along with the date they entered the property. This eliminates the need to fumble with hard-to-spell names, phone numbers, or email addresses, providing a quick, seamless, and secure entry process

"Remarkably, this service is provided at no cost to agents, making it an invaluable tool for enhancing your sales strategy, offering the level of protection and professionalism every client is seeking."