Questions and Answers

If you don't see an answer to your question, you can send us an email from our contact form.

Your verification takes 48 hours or less. You will be emailed when it is completed and given your individual Codes.

The data you supply to become Security Checked is automatically erased within 10 days of your verification. Once your verification is fully completed, we no longer need to retain it, so it is permanently deleted from our system.

No, the only information shared is your name, email address and phone number.

This was never ideal, but the crime rise has made this necessary. Think about it from a homeowner's point of view: they were expected to allow un-checked strangers to wander freely around their home; this never made sense.

Yes, it can be done within minutes; however, there are other ways coming soon where this verification of your ID will be very useful.

We use bank-level encryption to store data.

The total cost is $14.95; no automatic renewals or ongoing fees exist.

In Australia, all Real Estate agents undergo a yearly Police Check, so yes, you are safe.

It's impossible since your headshot photo is displayed when you check in using your code. If it's not you, you will be denied entrée, and the profile being used will be immediately locked.

It is useless to anyone but you, and they will be caught the first time they try to use it.